
The monograph Dynasty presents a selection from Thomas Raat’s output of the past ten years. Raat revisits the classics of modernism. His output raises questions concerning the interpretation of a work of art: what motivates artists to make a work, and how does the audience respond to it?

The concept of the book is based on the idea that you can look at Raat’s work in four different ways: pictorial, physical, objective, reflective. This results in four different paper types and four different grids to structure this narrative. Pictorial by showing the work isolated on a white background, physical as the work was shown in the context of an exhibition, reflective in three different essays by Den Hartog Jager, Nick Hackworth and Robert van Altena and objective which shows the technical details of the work in the form of an index. Each way has a different materiality and printing technique.The book defines a new context wherein the work can manifest itself in different capacities. The book archives the works all well as activates the work. 

Year 2022
Client Thomas Raat
Location Amsterdam
Publisher Distanz
Printer Zwaan Lenoir

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